2023.12.23 언어 교환 노트
수다 떨다: to chitchat*
*May have a bit of a negative undertone.
가벼운 수다 어때요?
How about a little chat?
수다쟁이: chatterbox
방귀쟁이 /방구쟁이/: someone who constantly farts; a farter
겸손: humbleness; humility
겸손하다: to be humble
우물 안 개구리: literally, "a frog in a well," but this is a commonly used proverb to describe someone who is narrow-minded or someone who hasn't experienced that much more than the few places they've been or things they've experienced.
아는만큼 보인다: "You can only see as much as you know." This is an expression for an overestimation or underestimation of actual ability like in the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
초창기 멤버: an early member; a founding member
그 남자한테 몇 살이냐고 물어봤더니 대답 안 했어요.
I asked that guy how old he is but he didn't answer.
어제 비가 막 오더니 오늘은 날씨가 개었네요.
Yesterday it rained so much but today it's totally clear.
제니퍼 오늘 만났더니 지금 너무 기뻐요.
I super happy after having met Jennifer today.
murder-suicide: the act of commiting suicide after having killed someone or some people
carbon monoxide poisoning
suicide by charcoal briquettes
@Jeff 🎵 had some very interesting 한자 insights but I don't know enough about it to write them down here.
2023.12.16 언어 교환 노트
마음의 평화를 원해요.
I want more peace of mind.
반시계 방향: counterclockwise
시계 방향: clockwise
식물: plant
돈나무: money tree
따뜻하다: warm
선선하다: cool
*In terms of daily accomplishments...
알차다: to be fruitful
보람차지 않다 / 보람이 없다: to be unrewarding
무례하다: to be rude
유치하다: to be childish
철이 없다: to be immature
미숙하다: to be unfamiliar or unaccustomed with something
비호감: a dislike; an aversion
선호하다: to prefer
맛이 풍부하다: to have a lot of flavor
간신히 (written more): barely; narrowly
겨우 (spoken more): barely; narrowly
Korean philosophy of people who prefer the mountain vs. sea.
능동적인: active
수동적인: passive
주도적인: proactive; taking initiative
반응적인: reactive
조조영화: matinee; the first showing of the day which is usually discounted
조조할인: early morning discount
조퇴: going home from work or school early, usually because you become ill.
머리가 아파서 조퇴해야 되겠다.
I think I've got to go home early because I've got a headache.
지각: to be late to work; to be tardy at school
I'm running 10 minutes late.
I'll be there about 10 minutes late.
지연되다: to be delayed
2023.11.25 언어 교환 노트
개근상: perfect attendance
시계방향: clockwise
미술 감상: art appreciation
대리인: acting manager
대타: lit. "pinch hitter" (baseball); substitute
영성: spirituality
V~야겠다: should (verb)
앞자리 사고 싶지만 이렇게 늦게 예매하려고 하면 다 팔렸을 텐데요.
I want to buy a front row seat, but if I try to buy something this late, they'll probably be all sold out.
V~고 말다: to end up (verb)
딱히: exact; particular
V~지 않을까 싶습니다: I wonder if (verb)
두번째 고향: second hometown
제2(이)의 고향: my second hometown
BFO: blinding flash of the obvious
예비군: reserve forces
파병하다: to deploy
선수: athlete; player (sports)
병역 의무: military service obligation
면제: exemption
"to put (somebody) on in the spot"
"moot point"
방문 학자: visiting scholar
장기자라하다: to show off your skills
2023.11.18 언어 교환 노트
저녁 식사: dinner
추수감사절: Thanksgiving
칠면조: turkey
추수감사절에 특별한 계획 있나요?
Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving?
명절: traditional holiday
어감: nuance, feeling, or connotation of an expression
구해줘: lit. "save me," but also the name of a k-drama
당구: billiards; pool
"flex days": a certain number of days that are given to employees in certain companies that allow them to take paid time off of work
일제강점기: the Japanese colonization period (1910 - 1945)
가마: a palanquin, or a litter; a human powered transport usually for a single person, especially a noble person.
유해 송환: repatriation of remains
악당: villain
모래시계: hourglass
복귀자: a comeback; an actor or performer who is having a comeback
관상: physiognomy; the belief that a person's facial features can determine a person's personality or fate.
백일몽: daydream (This term is arguably not used very much)
성격이 급하다: to be proactive; to be one who takes initiative; to be a go-getter; to be one who hustles
사모님: wife (honorific)
집사람: a stay-at-home mother (This term is still used by older people but it is falling out of use with younger generations)
내조: a wife who supports her husband
외조: a husband who supports his wife (This term is being replaced by 내조. 내조 is becoming genderless.)
전업 주부 / 주부: a stay-at-home mother (This term is becoming genderless)
"significant other"
2023.11.11 언어 교환 노트
뜨개질: knitting
뜨개질 재료: knitting materials
액션 영화: action movie(s)
친구를 사귀다: to make friends
수영: swimming goggles; also, the name of one of our new members
눈치 보다: 1.) to be able to "read a room," or mindfully be aware of others, and act appropriately; 2.) to "walk on eggshells" because someone may be upset or in a bad mood.
느끼하다: (food) greasy; (texture) greasy or slimy; (people) slimy or creepy; (atmosphere) cheesy or a bit over the top
비웃다: to ridicule; to tease
언어를 배우기가 아무리 어려워도 결국에는 가치가 있습니다.
No matter how hard it is to learn a language in the end it's worth it.
여기 줄이 길어도 제가 매주 음료수를 사요.
Even though the line is long here, I still buy a drink every week.
2023.11.04 언어 교환 노트
시계 방향: clockwise
반시계 방향: counterclockwise
좋은 점: pros
나쁜 점: cons
모든 나라에 좋은 점 있고 나쁜 점이 있어요.
Every country has its pros and cons.
양보다 질.
양보다 질이 더 좋죠.
Quality over quantity.
제가 제일 좋아하는 장면 중에 하나는...
One of my favorite scenes is...
'버닝'이라는 영화는 제가 제일 좋아하는 장면 중에 하나가 있어요.
One of my favorite scenes is from a movie called "Burning."
제가 제일 좋아하는 장면은 카페에서 주인공이 악당하고 대변해요.
My favorite scene is the scene at the cafe when the main character confronts the antagonist.
주인공이 자신감은 가지고 있는게 보는 것은 처음이에요.
It's the first time you see the main character show confidence.
예술: artist
예술가: artist (musician, painter)
영화 대본: movie transcript
시시하다: uninterested; boring
사회적 이슈: social issues
박하사탕: mint candy
교육적인 부모 / 교육 열성적인 부모: parents who stress education
공인중개사: realtor; real estate agent
2023.10.28 언어 교환 노트
시계방향: clockwise
시계반대방향: counterclockwise
어묵 / 오뎅: fishcake
호빵 / 찐빵: sweet red bean 'manapua'
일인분: one serving
이인분: two servings
삼인분: three servings
행사: event, ceremony, festival
공장: factory
반도체: semiconductor; silicon chip
마찬가지: the same; as well
저도 마찬가지예요.
The same goes for me.
Me as well.
평가: assessment
정확하게: precisely
정확한: precise
2023.10.14 언어 교환 노트
루콜라: arugula
삐지다: to be distraught
주인공: protagonist
악역 / 빌런: antagonist; villain
다녀오다: to go and come back, but usually in English, just translated as "went."
예) 아침에 KCC Farmer's Market 다녀왔어요.
Ex.) I went to the KCC Farmer's Market this morning.
다녀왔어(요)!! / 다녀왔습니다!!: Set phrase meaning: "I'm home!" or "I'm back!"
기계: machine
공군: Air Force
육군: Army
해군: Navy
해병대: Marines
연금: pension; retirement pay
월급: monthly pay
연봉: annual pay
장교: (military) officer
전업 주부: stay-at-home parent; full-time housewife. *Used mainly for women. Although, stay-at-home "dad" is becoming increasingly popular in Korea (as well as the U.S.), there isn't a set phrase... yet.
천막: tent; tarp *Used in the context of covering or protecting humans.
방수포: tarp *Used in the context of covering cargo.
4달 밖에 남지 않아.
I only have four months left.
수화통역사: sign language interpreter
수화: sign language
전생: past life; former life
연구년: research year; sabbatical year
연구: research
백설: white snow *"Snow White"
수줍은: shy; coy (adjective)
수줍음: shy; coy (noun)
뮬란: "Mulan"
"on the fence"
2023.10.07 언어 교환 노트
오늘 자기소개 할 때 이름과 아침에 뭐 먹었는지 공유해주시고 한 가지 소원이 있다면 뭐를 빌 건가요?
For today's self-introduction, please share your name, what you ate this morning, and if you had one wish, what would you wish for?
우리 애들 먹을 수 있게 / 먹을 수 있도록 떡볶이를 좀 덜 맵게 만들어 주세요.
So that my kids can eat the tteokbokki, would you do me a favor and make it a bit less spicy.
세계 평화: world peace
이 사진을 보고 나서 뭐가 떠올리는게 하나요?
소설가*: novelist
소설: novel
*"가" indicates a level of mastery in any given subject
pen name: ?
In order to show sympathy towards someone while speaking with them, you should maintain eye contact and acknowledge them with gestures such as nodding your head.
공감: empathy
2023.09.23 언어 교환 노트
구체적으로: specifically
안식년: sabbatical year; year off
육아 휴직: parental leave
애국자: patriot
성묘: paying respects to your ancestors at the cemetery
제사: paying respects to your ancestors; at-home ritual
은퇴: retirement
사자성어: 4-character Chinese idiom
일석이조: to kill two birds with one stone
십중팔구: 9 times out of ten
설상가상: (always negative) one thing after another; when it rains, it pours
고진감래: (literally, sweetness after bitterness) no pain, no gain; what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger
새옹지마: blessing in disguise*
전화위복: blessing in disguise*
*Need more clarification to distinguish the subtle difference between 새옹지마 and 전화위복.
부창부수: conjugal harmony
지못미 | (지)켜주지 (못)해 (미)안해: I'm sorry I didn't step in.; I'm sorry I wasn't able to back you up.
"I was chatting with my father the other day on the phone and he told me that he needed some concrete and for me to go buy some. So, I went to Home Depot but found out that they ran out. I called him back and told my dad that they ran out so what would you like me to do?"
며칠 전에 우리 아버지하고 전화로 얘기했는데 아버지가 콘크리트가 필요하고 사다 달라고 하셨어요. 그래서 제가 Home Depot에 가서 보니까 '오. 콘크리트가 다 팔렸나봐‘라고 생각했어요. 그래서 우리 아버지한테 전화 또 해서 다 팔렸다고 말씀드리고 어떻게 하면 좋겠냐고 여쭤봤어요.**
**Thanks, @Jae (이재영)!!
2023.09.16 언어 교환 노트
외래어: loan words
직원: a person who works somewhere
사극: a historical drama
연극: a theatrical performance
전공: (university) major
힘줄: tendon; connector of muscle-to-bone
정치: politics
정부: government
보수: conservative
진보: liberal
중립: neutral; moderate
무채색: greyscale colors
야망: ambition
열망: desire; passion
의지: will
의욕: motivation
평일: weekday
주말: weekend
말이 됩니다.: That makes sense.
실례인가요?: Is this/that rude?
2023.09.09 언어 교환 노트
개근자: (slightly archaic) a person with perfect attendance
개근하다: to attend regularly; to have perfect attendance
새벽형; 아침형: an early bird
올빼미: literally, an owl, but also used in the context of referring to someone who stays up late; a night owl.
좋은 자세: good posture
안식년: I'm Korea, in some occupations, the seventh year is taken off for rest; In English, an extended period of time away from work is called "sabbatical." It is not necessarily the seventh year.
멍때리다: to zone out; to space out
누룽지: The crusted, crispy rice that is leftover on the side of a pot. 누룽지 is usually enjoyed as a snack as is or boiled as a porridge. It has a nutty taste.
구수하다: an earthy or nutty taste; 누룽지 has a 구수한 taste
고소하다: a smooth taste; sesame oil (참기름) is often described as having a 고소한 taste
꿀팁: literally, a "honey tip"; a clever or elegant way of doing something; a "hack"
세탁 세제: laundry detergent
빨래 비누: (a bit archaic, but still used) laundry detergent
비누: a bar of soap; soap bar
바디워시: body wash
샤워젤: shower gel
기저귀: (baby) diaper
배변 훈련: potty training
변기: toilet
쉬하다: (baby talk) to pee
응가하다: (baby talk) to poop
대변: feces
소변: urine
본토: mainland
본토 사람: mainlander
충고: advice (to correct a fault or mistake)
조언: advice (helpful wisdom)
2023.09.02 언어 교환 노트
짱!: onomatopoeic word for when something or someone is amazing
따봉! 엄지척!: thumbs up!!
마통 (마이너스 통장): overdrawn / overdrafted bank account
노담 ('no' 담배): no smoking
(행)노잼 ('no' 재밌다): (so) not funny; (super) lame; (tomato emoji)
죽을래?! / 뒤질래?!: Literally, "You wanna die?," but this is a sarcastic phrase you usually say to your friend when you are irritated or "groaning" by something they did or said.
내가 쏠게!: (When it comes to paying the bill) I got it!!; It's on me!!
오바하지 마.; 선을 넘지 마.: Stay in your lane.; Don't cross the line.; Know your limitations.
걱정하지 말고 편하게 있어라.: Hang loose. (하와이 말)
눈치 보이다: to walk on eggshells; to be overly cautious about someone's feelings or mood as to not upset them.
직접하지않다: to beat around the bush.
안물라고 / 안물라꼬: hmm, but nobody asked; eg.) Why are you talking about that? Like, uh, nobody asked.
동문서답: literally, 'a question from the east, an answer from the west'; an illogical response; something coming from left field.
simp: (from Wikipedia) An internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship.
창문을 살짝 열어줘: crack the window open
삐구: originally, this term meant 'not ready' or 'disabled,' but currently, this term is said when there is a "cute mistake." For example, when you buy a t-shirt that has an accidental misspelling of a word, that's 삐구... or if you see a 한자 tattoo that's supposed to say "fearless" but instead the tattoo says, "I fear everyone," that's 삐구.
남의 떡이 더 커 보인다: The grass is always greener on the other side.
2023.08.26 언어 교환 노트
공부를 하다가 산만해지거나 동기부여가 필요할 때 어떤 방법을 쓰시나요?
If you become distracted or need motivation while studying what do you do?
여기서 가까운 주유소는 어디인가요?
Where is the closest gas station from here?
주유소: gas station
경유: diesel gas
휘발유: unleaded gas
가스: LPG
복지 혜택: welfare benefits
현역: active duty
감동하다: to be moved
휴식: a break; a rest
휴식 필요하다: to be in need of a break
쉬다: to rest
분위기: atmosphere, ambiance
환경: environment
벼락 치기를 하다: to cram (for a test)
간호학(교): nursing school
안식년: year-long sabbatical
안식일: sabbath
애국자: patriot
2023.08.12 언어 교환 노트
등기하다: (real estate specific term) to close the deal
등기하다: (real estate specific term) to close the deal등기하다: (real estate specific term) to close the deal
거래를 마무리하다
거래를 성사시키다
to close the deal
to seal the deal
to make a deal
애통: grief, mourn, deep sorrow
애통하다: to be sad and painful
아깝네: Such a pity. Such a waste. 😭
안타깝네: Such a sad thing. 😭😭😭
집순이: a "homebody" (female)
집돌이: a "homebody" (male)
독립기념관: Independence Hall of Korea (located in Cheonan City)
손거스러미: hangnail
절친: best friend
베프: BFF
이번 주에 개학했어요.
They started school this week.
공강하다: to get someone; to sympathize with someone; to understand someone
여러가지 방법: several different ways
쟤는?: What about him / her?
제안: recommendation
추천: suggestion*
*Although "recommendation" and "suggestion" are mostly interchangeable in English, the usages for "제안" and "추천" often differ.
적: enemy
2023.08.05 언어 교환 노트
오늘 자기소개 할 때 이름하고 하와이에서 얼마나 살았는지 알려 주고 이번 주말에 어떤 계획 있는지 공유해 주세요.
오늘 자기소개 할 때 이름하고 하와이에서 얼마나 살았는지 알려 주고 이번 주말에 어떤 계획 있는지 공유해 주세요.오늘 자기소개 할 때 이름하고 하와이에서 얼마나 살았는지 알려 주고 이번 주말에 어떤 계획 있는지 공유해 주세요.
When introducing yourself today, please share with us your name, how long you have lived in Hawaii, and any plans you have for the weekend.
하와이에서 얼만큼 살았어요?
How long have you lived in Hawaii?
2014년부터 2017년까지 하와이에서 살았어요.
I lived in Hawaii from 2014 to 2017.
마라톤 연습을 하고 있어요.
I am training for a marathon.
평생: one's whole life
해수욕장: a swimming beach
조경: landscaping (professional term)
잔디밭 관리 / 정리: yardwork
쌀국수: pho; vermicelli noodles
월남: Vietnam (older term)
베트남: Vietnam (modern term)
쿰쿰한 냄새: musky, pungent smell
Vineyard출구에서 빠져나가고...
Take the Vineyard exit...
Exit Vineyard...
"K" turn: 3-point turn
"U" (유)턴: U-turn
"P" (피)턴: At times when a left turn is not possible, 3 right turns must be done instead.
줄 서다: to stand in line (US); stand in queue (UK)
가스: liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
경유: diesel
휘발유: unleaded gas
소공동 식당에 어떻게 가는 길을 설명해 주세요.
Can you tell me how to get to Sogong-dong Restaurant?
"지" is a grammar particle used to connect a question phrase.
수민이가 어디에 있어요? 수민이 어디 있는지 알아요?
Where's Sumin? Do you know where Sumin is?
새가 어떻게 날아요? 새가 어떻게 나는*지* 궁금해요.
How does birds fly? I wonder how birds fly.
저 사람 누구예요? 저 사람 누구인*지* 몰라요.
Who is that person? I don't know who that person is.
2023.07.29 언어 교환 노트
논쟁: discussion; debate; controversy
논쟁: discussion; debate; controversy논쟁: discussion; debate; controversy
찹쌀떡: mochi
잉어엿: "carp" taffy; hard taffy
직접 만들다: to be made from scratch
새우깡: shrimp-flavored crackers
까까: baby-talk for '과자'
붕어빵: carp-shaped bread with red bean filling; taiyaki
국화빵: small chrysanthemum embossed bread with red bean filling
달고나: Korean sugar candy (street food); also called 뽑기 (Busan / Ulsan) and 포또 (Daegu)
엄마가 찐빵을 직접 만들었군요.
Oh, your mom made jjimppang from scratch!?
*I apologize for not having many notes for you today. I was too engaged with everyone's responses to the snack question. 🤤
2023.07.22 언어 교환 노트
심계항진: palpitations심계항진: palpitations
꽉 찼어요: to be full; to be packed
오늘 여기 꽉 찼네요.: It's really packed here today (meaning, there are a lot of people)
길이 꽉 찼네.: There are a lot of cars.
머리가 꽉 찼어 그만 (공부)한다.: I'm gonna take break (from studying) because my brain is fried / I can't digest anymore.
빙하: glacier
오로라: Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights
연어: salmon
장난꾸러기: rascal / little troublemaker (in a cute way)
지리지 않는 음식: food that I never tire of; food that never gets old; food that I always crave
익히다: 1.) to become acquainted with sth.; 2.) to cook sth through.; 3.) to ripen sth
돼지고기를 잘 익혀요.: Please cook the pork thoroughly.
확정되지 않았어요: to not be confirmed
Chick-fil-A는 Honolulu Coffee Experience위치가 이사하려고 하는데 계약을 아직 안 끝났어 확정되지 않았어요.: Chick-fil-A is trying to move into the Honolulu Coffee Experience location, but the contract isn't finalized yet, so it hasn't been confirmed.
(강아지) 배변봉투: doggie poop bags 🐕
핫해요.: It's "buzzing" / trending right now.
생략된 말: a way of talking by omitting words. For example, "Are you busy?" -> "You busy?"
줄임말 / 준말: contracting / abbreviating words. For example, "do not" -> "don't"; "이야기" -> "얘기"
약자: acronym
신조어: newly created words or phrases; newly coined words phrases. 액땜, 국룰, 폼 미쳤다
유행어: trendy words
속어: slang
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